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Dothan High School
Class of 1963
To View 45th Reunion Pictures Click Here.
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To keep the costs down, we will not be making the information directory this year, but we do have a good list of current addresses and email addresses of classmates if anyone would like a copy.
Also, the classes of 1960 through 1965 will be holding a multi-class reunion in Dothan, tentatively set for Nov. 22, 2008. If you want to be included and would like more information on this, please let me know so that you can be put on the list. Otherwise you will not be contacted.
Classmates We Cannot Find:
Jimmy Anglin
Kevin Arnold
Frank Baker
Sharlene (Bright) Cox
Martha Lou Bullington
Ronald Paul Bullock
Laurie O. Burrows
Daniel Cashman
Carolyn Cherry
Judy (Clark) Long
Wanda (Collins) Parrish
Vickie Deese
Margaret (Etheridge) McIntyre
Shirley Ann Ferrell
Debra Lee Goodson
Walter Guest
Ted Dennis Lewis
Carolyn (Martin) Barnes
Becky (Metcalf) Schaffer
Lanette (Morris) Riley
William Charles Morrison
Sally Ann Mosely
Donald McCardle
Ronald Wesley McCloud
Billy Parker
Kenneth Powell
Barbara (Reeder) Carroll
Margie Robinson
William Ray Shelley
Judy Marie Skipper
Betty Jo Strickland
Robert Earl Strickland
Dawn (Williams) Brown
John David Wood
Bibbs (Truett) Gamber
Becky (Yeoman) DeVine
Teresa (Wells) Glenn
Ricky Price
Betty Carol (Smith) Jones
The Reunion Committee
Lee Thomas
Imagine The Pictures, Remember The Fun!
You Never Looked Better!

Here is your DHS class of 1963, 45th reunioln committee. Lee Thomas, taking the picture, is not shown.
L-R: Mickey Adams, Benton Harrison, Frank Gaines, Annie Paulk Dunaway, Margaret Jenkins Kennedy,
Mary Johnson Penny, Barbara Weber Seaman, Suzanne Solomon Owen, Linda Hawkins Woodruff

Visitor - # - 05/23/2003
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